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Capital Gains Tax Netherlands 2023

Taxation on Your Savings and Investments Box 3

Key Points

  • Capital gains tax system to be introduced in 2025 or 2026
  • Capital gains and investment income not taxable for residents and non-residents, except as detailed for box 2 and box 3
  • Investment income taxed at a different rate than wage income in many countries

Understanding Box 3 Taxation

Box 3 is a category of the Dutch income tax system that covers savings and investments. Currently, capital gains and investment income are not subject to Dutch personal income tax under box 3. However, a new capital gains tax system is planned to be introduced in 2025 or 2026, which may affect the taxation of these types of income.

Implications for Investors

The introduction of a capital gains tax system could have significant implications for investors. It is important for individuals to stay informed about the upcoming changes and to consult with a tax professional to assess how they may impact their financial plans.


The Netherlands' tax system for savings and investments is evolving. With the planned introduction of a capital gains tax system, individuals should be aware of the potential impact on their tax liability. By understanding the current rules and staying informed about the upcoming changes, investors can make informed decisions to optimize their financial strategies.
