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A Journey In Football

Enzo Maresca: From Player to Coach

A Journey in Football

Born on February 10th, 1980, in Pontecagnano Faiano, Italy, Enzo Maresca is a former professional footballer and current coach. During his playing career, he held the role of midfielder and made a significant impact on the field.

Coaching Career

After retiring from professional football, Maresca transitioned into coaching. His first significant role came with Leicester City, where he served as the "tecnico," or technical director, in 2023. During his tenure, he coached the team in 53 games across various competitions.

Most recently, Maresca has returned to Manchester City as part of Pep Guardiola's coaching staff, bringing his expertise and experience to the forefront. With a keen eye for talent and an understanding of the modern game, Maresca has already made a notable contribution to the team's performance.
